Amazomel honey is produced by the stingless Melipona bee deep in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil by local and indigenous families. Their efforts to raise and protect this native bee prevents destruction of trees that are vital to reducing greenhouse gases and fighting climate change.
These rare bees (who are actually really cute!) produce an equally rare organic honey that is praised for its citrusy-sweet taste and revered for its healthy medicinal properties. In the process, these beekeeping families promote the pollination that is essential for biodiversity and generate a sustainable, eco-friendly income.
Amazomel aims to save the Amazon Rainforest by preserving native stingless bees and empower local marginalized communities
by providing them with
alternative income opportunities thanks to high-quality Melipona culture and organic honey production.
Amazomel is the signature project of the Non-Timber Forest Products Foundation, a Swiss non-profit organization that is committed to saving the world’s precious Rainforest by providing alternative income opportunities to local communities.
With one simple, sweet solution, NTFP Foundation and Amazomel are preserving precious rain forest and empowering indigenous communities to thrive economically and in
accordance with their traditions and core values.
Thanks to customers like
you, the Amazomel community of beekeepers can continue to serve as stewards of the forest, enabling all of us to breathe a little easier. All proceeds from your purchase of Amazomel honey are used to provide starter hives, training, and technical assistance to more families, growing our network and amplifying our impact.